Saturday, November 14, 2009

Flex Builder 3 Localization Tool

This plugin helps the developer to extract hard-coded strings in MXML and ActionScript files and replace them with ActionScript localization calls.

You can download the latest version from here.

How to use it:

1) Download the plugin and unzip to . The zip file has the folder plugins included, make sure check "User folder names" checkbox in winzip. The jar file should go to \plugins

2) Start FlexBuilder and go to Window->Other Views...

3) Expand the "Localization Category" and click Resource View to open the view

4) Use "Open Resource" button to open the properties file

5) Open an MXML file or as file in the project and click the Resource View

6) The hard-coded strings are shown in the "Matched String(s)" tab

7) Click one entry in the matched string list and the replaced text is in the preview textbox

8) You can change the Resource ID field to get a new ID value

9) Click "Replace" to update the MXML file

10) Click "Save Resource" button to save the properties file.

11) Sections are the comment lines in the properties file, and you can use comments to define sections and instruct the plugin to insert the externalized property string under the specified comment line

Known Issues:
1) If the Localization view is closed and the user closes FlexBuilder, the plugin doesn't ask for unsaved changed in the properties file.

If you have questions or feature requests, please send email to


  1. Would love to try this tool, but the download link is broken.

  2. Same here. If you can share the link for download would be helpful.
